An Australian’s mission to build a school and a museum in Armenia’s Vayots Dzor region

Len Wicks, a former UN official and founder of the Adopt-A-Village programme, talks to CivilNet’s Emilio Cricchio about his various projects in Armenia. Len discusses his own story of relocating to Armenia and introduces the Open Air Cultural Museum project in the Vayots Dzor region.

Anahit’s Mission to Repair a Village’s Music School

Anahit Gevorgyan is determined to help a village in the region of Ararat to raise the funds to repair its music school. The school teaches music to children from the surrounding villages as well, but in its current condition, where rainwater seeps through the roof, this may not last.  LINK WITH DETAILS ON HOW TO… Continue reading Anahit’s Mission to Repair a Village’s Music School