Over 250,000 tourists visited Armenia in January-March 2022, says minister

The OSCE Minsk Group French Co-Chair, Brice Roquefeuil, met Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan to discuss the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh.  100 new buses will be purchased in the near future, says Yerevan Mayor Hrachya Sargsyan.  The Russian peacekeeping contingent in Karabakh has delivered 12 tons of humanitarian aid to the population.

Helping relocating Russians find work in Armenia

As a result of the war in Ukraine, people are leaving the countries involved in the conflict. They are not only looking for shelter, but also for a job in Armenia. Various initiatives have been created to respond to the influx of labor, from telegram channels to cooperation.

An Australian’s mission to build a school and a museum in Armenia’s Vayots Dzor region

Len Wicks, a former UN official and founder of the Adopt-A-Village programme, talks to CivilNet’s Emilio Cricchio about his various projects in Armenia. Len discusses his own story of relocating to Armenia and introduces the Open Air Cultural Museum project in the Vayots Dzor region.

Two Armenian soldiers have been found dead at their posts in the past two days

4,000 Ukrainian citizens have crossed the border into Armenia in the last three weeks, according to Denis Avtonomov, the Ukrainian Chargé d’Affaires in Armenia.  Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and Russian President Vladimir Putin held a phone conversation to discuss the situations in Nagorno-Karabakh and Ukraine.  In separate incidents, two Armenian soldiers were found dead… Continue reading Two Armenian soldiers have been found dead at their posts in the past two days

A New Wave of Russian Migrants in Armenia

Since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Armenia has seen a significant inflow of Russians into the country. They are seeking a safe haven from the Russian government’s new laws. However, many have found it difficult to find a place to stay and are facing a large rise in prices. CivilNet’s team spoke… Continue reading A New Wave of Russian Migrants in Armenia

Armenia’s indoor smoking ban comes into force

Armenia’s indoor smoking ban came into force today. The use of tobacco products in public eateries may now result in a $100 fine.  Any negotiations on a peace treaty with Azerbaijan must take place without preconditions, says Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan.  Russian flag carrier Aeroflot will resume flights to Armenia on March 22.

Armenia’s ex-education minister appointed as Pashinyan’s chief of staff

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan says over $100 million has been spent on aid programs in Artsakh.  Armenia’s 2021 economic growth forecast has been revised to 6%, according to Pashinyan.  Armenia’s ex-education minister appointed as Pashinyan’s chief of staff.

Missing Planes, New Flight Routes & A National Carrier – A Talk with Tatevik Revazian

The Head of the Civil Aviation Committee Tatevik Revazian spoke to CivilNet on the situation regarding passenger flow into Armenia. She also explains the case of the missing Boeing 737 plane, establishing a national carrier, as well as her biggest achievement and failure during her tenure. 

Gyumri’s Tourism Boom or Bust

Gyumri was widely expected to see a tourism boom in 2020, but due to the pandemic and the Second Karabakh War, those hopes were dashed. Despite this, many businesses are starting to pick up once again. CivilNet’s team travelled to Gyumri to find out what challenges the tourism sector is facing.