Kulich, the Easter pastry delivered directly to your home

In Yerevan, the women of the Taste of Artsakh social entrepreneurship program have been busy baking since early morning. They are all women from the Hadrut region in Karabakh. They got a special order to bake Kuliches for the Easter holidays. It is the Russian name for Easter bread. But, it became a traditional part… Continue reading Kulich, the Easter pastry delivered directly to your home

Shushi Carpets: A Treasure in Yerevan

Carpets from Artsakh (Karabakh) are now part of the Alexander Tamanyan National Museum-Institute. The Armenian carpets were taken out of the city during the 202 Artsakh War on November 1 by their owner Vartan Astsatryan. There, they were on display at the Shushi Carpets Museum. Seeing that the war was getting closer, Vartan Astsatryan quickly… Continue reading Shushi Carpets: A Treasure in Yerevan

Shushi Carpets: A Treasure in Yerevan

Carpets from Artsakh (Karabakh) are now part of the Alexander Tamanyan National Museum-Institute. The Armenian carpets were taken out of the city during the 202 Artsakh War on November 1 by their owner Vartan Astsatryan. There, they were on display at the Shushi Carpets Museum. Seeing that the war was getting closer, Vartan Astsatryan quickly… Continue reading Shushi Carpets: A Treasure in Yerevan

Discovering My Gyumri: Chalet Gyumri | Բացահայտելով իմ Գյումրին. Շալե

Alongside their efforts to eradicate the temporary shelters that became synonymous with the never-ending recovery process in post-Earthquake Gyumri, the “Shirak Centre” NGO and its director Vahan Tumasyan have built their headquarters as a combination of guest house, event space and a depository of artifacts that embody Gyumri’s history and have been rescued from temporary shelters,… Continue reading Discovering My Gyumri: Chalet Gyumri | Բացահայտելով իմ Գյումրին. Շալե

Dialects of Coffee at USC Innovate Armenia

Demand for high quality Armenian coffee has been on the uptick in the past decade. The age-old beverage was being served to a new generation of drinkers at Innovate Armenia – the festival of ideas and action that took place at the University of Southern California on May 18. Hundreds lined up at the festival’s… Continue reading Dialects of Coffee at USC Innovate Armenia

Բացահայտելով իմ Գյումրին. մի լուսանկարի պատմություն | Discovering My Gyumri: Tale behind the Photo

Երկրաշարժից 30 տարի անց՝ «Բացահայտելով Գյումրին», Սիվիլնեթը զրուցեց Մարինե Նուռոյանի հետ, որի՝ փլատակների տակից փրկվելուց հետո արված լուսանկարը դարձել էր մեծ աղետի և վերածննդի խորհրդանիշը։ 30 years after the earthquake, while on a journey of rediscovery through his hometown Gyumri, Gegham Mughnetsyan and the Civilnet crew visited Marine Nuroyan who with her daughters spent more… Continue reading Բացահայտելով իմ Գյումրին. մի լուսանկարի պատմություն | Discovering My Gyumri: Tale behind the Photo

Բացահայտելով իմ Գյումրին. Մուշուրբա | Discovering My Gyumri: Mushurba

Սիվիլնեթը Գյումրիում այցելել է Էդիկ Ժամկոչյանի արհեստանոց։ Վարպետ Էդիկը միակ պղնձագործն է, որը պատրաստում է Գյումրվա ավանդական խորհրդանիշ Մուշուրբան՝ կլկլան բաժակը։ While on a journey of rediscovery through his hometown Gyumri, Gegham Mughnetsyan and the Civilnet crew visited master Edik Jamkochyan the only coppersmith who crafts one of the traditional symbols of Gyumri, the Mushurba,… Continue reading Բացահայտելով իմ Գյումրին. Մուշուրբա | Discovering My Gyumri: Mushurba