Gifting books on Saint Sarkis Day, the Armenian Valentine’s Day

Armenians will celebrate lovers day before February 14. But, that special day is not Saint Valentine’s Day, it’s Saint Sarkis day. This year, it will take place on February 12.  On that day, popular traditions are observed. For example, young people eat a very salty patty on the eve of the holiday. In their dream,… Continue reading Gifting books on Saint Sarkis Day, the Armenian Valentine’s Day

Trndez: Armenians Celebrate Purification

There is a special holiday happening here in Armenia just one day before Valentine’s Day. Trndez or Tiarndaraj is celebrated by young adults, newlyweds and families throughout Armenia. The celebration is now considered to be a Christian feast. It is the feast of the presentation of baby Jesus to the temple 40 days after his… Continue reading Trndez: Armenians Celebrate Purification