Discovering Tumanyan’s library on Book Giving Day

February 19 is renowned Armenian poet Hovhannes Tumanyan’s birthday. Tumanyan was born in 1869 in a village called Dsegh, in Armenia’s Lori region. In Armenia, his birthday is known as the Book Giving Day – a holiday aimed at encouraging people to read all types of books. Tumanyan himself had an infinite love for books. … Continue reading Discovering Tumanyan’s library on Book Giving Day

Roger Kupelian on The Art of Creating Magic in Movies | Ռոջեր Կուպելյանը ֆիլմերում մոգության ստեղծման մասին

We met Roger Kupelian, a Hollywood visual effects artist, at Tumo, the Center for Creative Technologies. Kupelian has been working on big Hollywood film productions since the early nineties.  From the mountains of Mordor in The Lord of the Rings, Bugs Bunny in Space Jam, to the Oscar winning Hugo, he has taken part in the… Continue reading Roger Kupelian on The Art of Creating Magic in Movies | Ռոջեր Կուպելյանը ֆիլմերում մոգության ստեղծման մասին

Lusine Zakaryan House-Museum Honors the Divine Singer

On Koghbatsi Street, in the Center of Yerevan, singer Lusine Zakaryan’s house has become a museum.  The choir singer was an admired artist, and to honor her, Alaina Balian, a young Armenian from California, decided to transform Zakaryan’s house into a museum.  Zakaryan was a famous soprano, known for her rendition of religious Armenian hymns… Continue reading Lusine Zakaryan House-Museum Honors the Divine Singer

Metsamor, a Timeless Town

Katharina Roters is a photographer based in Budapest, Hungary. Together with Sarhat Petrosyan, she has co-edited the book “Utopia and Collapse: Rethinking Metsamor – The Armenian Atomic City”, published in 2018. CivilNet’s Ani Paitjan talks with Katharina Roters about the rise and fall of the city of Metsamor.