Teachers from America to train in Armenia on how to teach the genocide

The US-based Genocide Education Project (known as GenEd) launch the first time ever the GenEd Teacher Fellowship Program. Through the project, 15 teachers from America will train in Armenia to get an in-depth knowledge of the Armenian Genocide. Sara Cohan, the Education Director of GenEd, talks to CivilNet’s Ani Paitjan about the lack of education… Continue reading Teachers from America to train in Armenia on how to teach the genocide

An architectural jewel in the heart of Yerevan

The Hripsime School For Girls is a Tsarist-era building located in the heart of Yerevan. The building was constructed in the 19th century to educate Armenian women. It is a testimony to a city that was developing and modernizing. Unfortunately, it’s been 25 years since the school was abandoned and left in ruins. 

Discovering Tumanyan’s library on Book Giving Day

February 19 is renowned Armenian poet Hovhannes Tumanyan’s birthday. Tumanyan was born in 1869 in a village called Dsegh, in Armenia’s Lori region. In Armenia, his birthday is known as the Book Giving Day – a holiday aimed at encouraging people to read all types of books. Tumanyan himself had an infinite love for books. … Continue reading Discovering Tumanyan’s library on Book Giving Day

Gifting books on Saint Sarkis Day, the Armenian Valentine’s Day

Armenians will celebrate lovers day before February 14. But, that special day is not Saint Valentine’s Day, it’s Saint Sarkis day. This year, it will take place on February 12.  On that day, popular traditions are observed. For example, young people eat a very salty patty on the eve of the holiday. In their dream,… Continue reading Gifting books on Saint Sarkis Day, the Armenian Valentine’s Day

Interactive school supplies for children in Armenia

Representatives of the Armenian Classroom and School Improvement Project are gathering school supplies in Yerevan. This time, they have put together furniture that will go to a school in Aparan, in Armenia’s Aragatsotn region.  The Armenian Classroom and School Improvement Project was initiated by Suren Sarkisov, an Armenian from the US who runs an IT… Continue reading Interactive school supplies for children in Armenia

Assyrians in Armenia commemorate the multiple genocides their people experienced

On August 7, Assyrians all throughout the world commemorated their people’s genocides. While Armenians commemorate one main genocide, the massacres of 1915 in the Ottoman Empire, Assyrians, remember the multiple genocides of their history. There are roughly 6,000 Assyrians in Armenia, most of them living in the villages of Verin Dvin, Arzni, Dimitrov and Nor… Continue reading Assyrians in Armenia commemorate the multiple genocides their people experienced

A Yazidi Activist On the Centuries-Long Relations Between Armenians and Yazidis

Mirza Dinnayi is a Yazidi activist and co-founder of Luftbrücke Irak (Air Bridge Iraq), a humanitarian organization that flies Yazidi victims from Iraq to Germany for medical treatment. He is also the 2019 Aurora Prize for Awakening Humanity Laureate. The Aurora Prize recognizes people around the world for their acts of exceptional courage and commitment… Continue reading A Yazidi Activist On the Centuries-Long Relations Between Armenians and Yazidis

Garo Paylan on Possible Imprisonment and Perception of the Artsakh War in Turkey

Garo Paylan, a Turkish politician of Armenian descent, is facing  a possible  aggravated life sentence in Turkey along with eight other lawmakers from his Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP).  Mr. Paylan talks with CivilNet’s Ani Paitjan about the lack of democracy in Turkey, the perception of the Artsakh war in the Turkish society and the future… Continue reading Garo Paylan on Possible Imprisonment and Perception of the Artsakh War in Turkey

Azerbaijan Awards “National Hero” Title to Officer Who Posed With Severed Head in First Karabakh War

[PHOTO: Turkish leader Erdogan meeting Azerbaijan’s Ibad Huseynov best known for his decapitation picture.]  By Emil Sanamyan On December 9, following the second Karabakh War, Azerbaijan’s president Ilham Aliyev introduced a new “Patriotic War Hero” award and granted it to eighty-three servicemen. Separately, Aliyev awarded three individuals with the “National Hero” award that was established… Continue reading Azerbaijan Awards “National Hero” Title to Officer Who Posed With Severed Head in First Karabakh War