Kulich, the Easter pastry delivered directly to your home

In Yerevan, the women of the Taste of Artsakh social entrepreneurship program have been busy baking since early morning. They are all women from the Hadrut region in Karabakh. They got a special order to bake Kuliches for the Easter holidays. It is the Russian name for Easter bread. But, it became a traditional part… Continue reading Kulich, the Easter pastry delivered directly to your home

An Australian’s mission to build a school and a museum in Armenia’s Vayots Dzor region

Len Wicks, a former UN official and founder of the Adopt-A-Village programme, talks to CivilNet’s Emilio Cricchio about his various projects in Armenia. Len discusses his own story of relocating to Armenia and introduces the Open Air Cultural Museum project in the Vayots Dzor region.

A look inside Yerevan’s Blue Mosque

Mahmoud Movahedifar is the Imam of the Blue Mosque in Yerevan. He leads Friday prayers, where there are not only Iranians participating, but South Asians, Africans and Arabs. Mr. Movahedifar gives insight into this community in the Armenian capital and why the mosque is a symbol of friendship between Armenia and Iran.

Armenia’s legal tools for preventing cultural destruction in Artsakh

In February, Azerbaijan’s Minister of Culture Anar Karimov announced that a working group had been established to “remove the fictitious traces written by Armenians on Albanian religious temples,” in Artsakh.   Attorney Yeghishe Kirakosyan gives a hint on how Armenia can legally prevent any kind of destruction of cultural heritage by Azerbaijan. Kirakosyan is a lawyer,… Continue reading Armenia’s legal tools for preventing cultural destruction in Artsakh

How can Armenia succeed in the global culture wars?

Eric Hacopian – the host of CivilNet’s Insights With Eric Hacopian – talks to Emilio Luciano Cricchio about the phenomenon of culture wars and how Armenia can take advantage of these global narratives. What is a culture war? – 0:00  Why is this important? – 9:48 How does Armenia fit in? – 19:38 Beacon of… Continue reading How can Armenia succeed in the global culture wars?

Naghash Ensemble: World Music From Armenian Medieval Poems

When American-Armenian musician John Hodyan was in Armenia for the first time, he accidentally heard the voice of singer Hasmik Baghdasaryan. She was rehearsing in the Garni temple. That connection led to the creation of the Naghash Ensemble in 2012. While trying to find a text that would match Hasmik’s voice, Hodyan discovered the medieval… Continue reading Naghash Ensemble: World Music From Armenian Medieval Poems

Discovering Tumanyan’s library on Book Giving Day

February 19 is renowned Armenian poet Hovhannes Tumanyan’s birthday. Tumanyan was born in 1869 in a village called Dsegh, in Armenia’s Lori region. In Armenia, his birthday is known as the Book Giving Day – a holiday aimed at encouraging people to read all types of books. Tumanyan himself had an infinite love for books. … Continue reading Discovering Tumanyan’s library on Book Giving Day

Gifting books on Saint Sarkis Day, the Armenian Valentine’s Day

Armenians will celebrate lovers day before February 14. But, that special day is not Saint Valentine’s Day, it’s Saint Sarkis day. This year, it will take place on February 12.  On that day, popular traditions are observed. For example, young people eat a very salty patty on the eve of the holiday. In their dream,… Continue reading Gifting books on Saint Sarkis Day, the Armenian Valentine’s Day

Artbox – A new project for Armenian artists

Anush Ter-Khachatryan, the Director of Programs at Creative Armenia, talks to CivilNet’s Emilio Cricchio about the organization’s latest project called Artbox. Ter-Khachatryan discusses how exactly the project works, and why it will benefit local artists. She also talks about the ways in which Armenia’s art sector can benefit the country’s overall economy.