Pashinyan Must Answer the People’s Questions

By Karen Harutyunyan, Editor-In-Chief “I want it on the record that the moment the Republic of Armenia – the government that you were part of – accepted the Madrid Principles as a basis for negotiations, from that moment you recognized Karabakh as part of Azerbaijan,” Armenian Prime Minister said on May 4 in parliament, in… Continue reading Pashinyan Must Answer the People’s Questions

Transitional period for Nagorno-Karabakh: A path to a peace agreement between Armenia and Azerbaijan

'5165' movement holds a protest march starting from the K. Demircyan Sports and Concerts Complex heading to the Freedom Square of Yerevan, Armenia

By Benyamin Poghosyan While the world continues to follow the war in Ukraine and the growing tensions in relations between Russia and the West, Armenia and Azerbaijan are ready to launch negotiations to sign a peace treaty. All external powers involved in the region’s geopolitics – Russia, the US, the EU, Turkey, and Iran –… Continue reading Transitional period for Nagorno-Karabakh: A path to a peace agreement between Armenia and Azerbaijan

New paper on Karabakh warns of Ukraine war impact, provides fresh insights on military situation

By Mark Dovich A briefing published last Friday by the International Crisis Group warns of “escalating hostilities” in and around Karabakh as war in Ukraine continues to rage — and also includes numbers and insights on the military situation in the region from officials on all sides that appear not to have been reported previously.… Continue reading New paper on Karabakh warns of Ukraine war impact, provides fresh insights on military situation

No draft plan to hand over Karabakh to Azerbaijan, Pashinyan says

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan hit back against rumors that his government is preparing to cede control over Karabakh to Azerbaijan at a cabinet meeting Friday, reiterating his support for the work of the OSCE Minsk Group. Deputy National Assembly Speaker Ishkhan Saghatelyan announced that the opposition will hold daily protests in Yerevan starting Monday, calling… Continue reading No draft plan to hand over Karabakh to Azerbaijan, Pashinyan says

Pashinyan insists there is no draft plan to settle Karabakh conflict, stresses key role of Minsk Group

By Mark Dovich In a cabinet meeting Friday, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan hit back against widely circulating rumors that his government is preparing to cede control over Karabakh to Azerbaijan in ongoing peace negotiations. “There is no project or draft plan for the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict on the table,” he said. “Artsakh… Continue reading Pashinyan insists there is no draft plan to settle Karabakh conflict, stresses key role of Minsk Group

700 Projects in Armenia, Artsakh and around the world

For 20 years, Ruben Vardanyan and Noubar Afeyan have supported over 700 initiatives across Armenia, Artsakh and around the world, with the goal of ensuring sustainable development, creating prosperity and preserving cultural heritage. Here is a breakdown of these projects, sector by sector. 

EU special representative visits Baku and Yerevan to talk regional unblocking

By Mark Dovich Toivo Klaar, the European Union’s special representative for the South Caucasus and the crisis in Georgia, paid visits to Baku on Wednesday and Yerevan on Thursday, calling his separate talks with high-level Armenian and Azerbaijani officials “excellent.” In Baku, Klaar met with Deputy Prime Minister Shahin Mustafayev, while in Yerevan, he spoke… Continue reading EU special representative visits Baku and Yerevan to talk regional unblocking

Armenians in Artsakh: Life Under the Shadow of Conflict

In the latest edition of Frontlines, Karnig Kerkonian and Garo B. Ghazarian talk to Anush Ghavalyan, a former advisor to Artsakh’s speaker of parliament and presenter at Artsakh’s Public TV. Anush discusses the daily lives of Armenians in Artsakh who, under the shadow of conflict, are facing unprecedented and uncertain times. 

The Wounded Eaglet: A Photo Story of Karabakh

Demir Sonmez is of Kurdish and Armenian descent, originally from Turkey. He has been living in Geneva, Switzerland since the 1990s, where he is known as “the photographer of the oppressed”. When the 2020 Karabakh War started, the freelance photographer felt the need to be on the ground, with “his people”, as he told us. In… Continue reading The Wounded Eaglet: A Photo Story of Karabakh

Is Armenia preparing to cede Artsakh to Azerbaijan?

CivilNet contributor Tigran Grigoryan discusses his latest article about a major speech given in the Armenian parliament by Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and how it indicates a shift in stance and policy regarding the Karabakh issue. Tigran also discusses how this policy could result in the ethnic cleansing of Armenians in Artsakh.